Thursday, 7 April 2011

Welcome to Blogging

Welcome to this sample site on how Blogging could be used to enhance learning and teaching in the classroom. 

I hope you enjoy your visit and start to think about how you might use Blogging to enhance learning and teaching in your classroom.

Some ideas To Get You Started

Blogging can be used to enhance learning and teaching, as a distance learning tool; to support critical and reflective thinking; to support home-school links; as a means of showcasing pupil work (portfolio) and as a way to encourage new ways of working.

  1. History:  Empathy writing. Blogging from the Front line – WW1/2, Blogging from the Titanic – as the ship goes down
  2. Geography:  Reports from field trips with accompanying photographs.
  3. Science:  Tool for writing up experiments and acting as a revision site
  4. English:  A tool to encourage creative writing at KS3 and GCSE e.g. poetry anthology; story-writing; online diary etc.  A method of making notes and publishing them online – exchange of ideas/poetry anthology
  5. Journalism:  Getting published –a tool for supporting GCSE journalism by publishing and sharing stories/reports online
  6. Home Economics:  healthy eating blog; recipes online; research and reporting online.
  7. Music:  reports on the great composers; discussions about concerts; posts about musical influences and styles.
  8. French:  improve written work in target language by posting responses to topics; completing projects; verb bank etc.
  9. Technology:  information on technology trends; safety in workshop; notes on key topics; revision materials
  10. RS:  discussion and debate about key moral and social issues; debating forum; notes and revision materials
  11. Art:  reviews of the great artists; reviews of artistic styles; discussions about the nature of art and the different materials used in art
  12. General:  a class/form information/bulletin board/ sports notices; reports from educational visits; match reports; school events etc.