Thursday, 7 April 2011

How To Display Your Videos using Blogger and C2K Video on Demand Service

Get Adobe Flash player - Alternative content is available but flash is required

This video is linked directly to the Video on Demand server within C2K system

This allows videos to play back directly on your blog when using a C2K system.

How To:

  1. Upload your video to C2K Video on Demand Service
  2. When you video has uploaded, preview it to check it is working.  Then select and copy the embedded object code for your video from the Video on Demand service
  3. Switch to Blogger
  4. Create a new post
  5. Click on Edit HTML (top right of the post section)
  6. Paste the embedded video code the into your new blog post
  7. Click on Compose
  8. Add text as normal
  9. Publish your post
  10. The video will display on your blog