Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Philosophy in the Classroom - Week 1

Schools require rules, without which, chaos would reign


Citizenship: Should We Have Rules on Who Can Become a UK Citizen?

The government are proposing introducing stricter tests on who can become a UK citizen.

The current situation is explained below.  Study the guidelines and then respond to the questions that follow.

Home Office Guidelines


1.  What are the current rules if you wish to qualify as a British citizen?

2.  Which of these rules are sensible?  Explain your answer.

3.  Which rules are too strict?  Justify your answer.

Safety in the Lab: Excellent Site

Click on the link below to learn more about Lab Safety

Safety in the Lab

Religious Education: Ethics 101

In a typical GCSE ethics question you are asked to consider if "Is killing someone every morally right?"

Working in groups, I would like you to formulate arguments for and against a moral case for killing.

You should consider the following areas:

  • War
  • Self-Defence
  • Trespass
  • To prevent greater harm e.g. suicide bomber
  • To prevent further suffering e.g. terminally ill relative
  • Regime overthrow e.g. Iraq, Tunisia


In this lesson we will be learning to

  • Understand what Earthquakes are
  • Understand why Earthquakes occur
  • Understand how Earthquakes are detected and measured
  • Understand the impact of Earthquakes on population centres by studing the recent earthquake in Japan

Things to Do

Watch the video and answer the questions that follow



Learn French Numbers and Colours

In these videos you will learn how to count from 1-10 in French and learn the names of colours

Getting a Reaction

In this experiment you will be learning to:

  • Understand how chemical compounds change from solid to liquid to gas
  • Understand what a chemical reaction is
  • Understand why a chemical reaction occurred
  • Understand the outcome of a chemical reaction
  • Take appropriate safety measures when using scientific apparatus


Write Up

This Weeks Recipe: Chocolate Cake




Preparation method

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
  2. Butter and sugar the insides of 8 metal pudding moulds.
  3. Mix the melted chocolate and orange zest together. In another bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until thick and pale.
  4. Fold in the chocolate mix, followed by the almonds and crumbs. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the chocolate mixture.
  5. Divide the chocolate mixture between the moulds and cover with rounds of buttered tin foil.
  6. Bake in the oven in a bain marie for 20 minutes until risen and just firm to the touch
  7. Whip the double cream with 1 tbsp caster sugar until stiff and refrigerate.
  8. In a small saucepan, bring the cream to the boil and add the chocolate pieces.
  9. Unmould the puddings onto warm plates and spoon a little chocolate sauce over each one and spoon some chilled whipped cream on the side.

Mozart and Modernity

In this lesson we will compare and contrast the music of Mozart with modern rock band Guns and Roses

Paradise City

Creative Writing Assignment: The Stranger

From a distance, the stranger's silhouetted shape, standing on the shore cast a dark shadow against the sky ....

Plot Lines for Class Play

Year 9:  Drama Classes

This term we will be concentrating on writing a play about Bullying.

Each class has been divided into writing groups and asked to develop one of the following plot lines by writing dialogue and stage directions.

  • Bullying in School
  • Bullying at Home
  • Bullying in the work place
  • Being a bully
  • Being bullied

Plot lines must be submitted to this blog by 17th March.   Other students will then have the opportunity to PEER review the plot lines and submit comments (keep positive)

Drama Production

Latest Rehearsal News

Please meet in the Main Hall at times shown

Monday 14th  -        3.30-4.00                Full Choir
                                4.00-4.30                Principals

Wed     16th            2.00-4.30                Full Dress Rehearsal

Collage Display - Samples of Year 10 Work

How to Create a Clock

Year 10:  Technology - Project 1 - Clock Making

In this lesson you will learn how to create a Clock



Footage of Life during World War 1

Causes of World War 1 - Video 1

Video Material

Causes of the First World War

In this week's lesson we are learning to:

  • Identify the causes of the First World War
  • Decide between major and minor causes
  • Write short paragraphs of notes on the causes of the first world war

Things to Do

Study the following cartoons and consider the questions that follow:


Q1.  According to the source, why did Russia declare war on Austria-Hungary?

Q2.  Why did Germany get involved in the war?

Q3.  .....